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in action artinya

contoh kalimat "in action"
  • Now, compassion is supposed to be put in action.
    Perasaan kasih sayang kita seharusnya kita praktikkan.
  • Let's hear it for Bullgoose Randall, back in action.
    Mari kita dengar bullgoose Randall, kembali beraksi.
  • Colonel Caleb Denby, killed in action July 3rd.
    Kolonel Caleb Denby, tewas dalam aksi 3 Juli.
  • Other Brits in action include journeyman veteran Peter Colt.
    lnggris juga mengirimkan atlit veteran Peter Colt.
  • We are back in action here at the Megabowl.
    Kami kembali beraksi di sini di Megabowl
  • I won't get to see her in action again.
    Aku tidak akan bisa melihat actionnya lagi.
  • Your friend was killed in action two months ago.
    Temanmu tewas saat bertugas dua bulan lalu.
  • I want to see those grenade skills in action.
    Aku ingin melihat keterampilan granat saat beraksi.
  • The Lord does not believe in actions without consequences.
    Tuhan tidak percaya pada tindakan tanpa konsekuensi.
  • She just wanted to see the team in action.
    Dia hanya ingin melihat tim dalam beraksi.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5